Jim Denevan | Artist
“When I'm doing a drawing, I'm personifying the place that is empty. A place that is unmarked,” states Denevan.
I was first introduced to Jim's work by one of my favorite Photographer/film makers, Patrick Trefz. Patricks' beautiful film titled "Thread" has some amazing imagery of Jim at work on a California beach. I later came across these photos on Juxtapoz and wanted to share them with you.
Check out more of his work at www.jimdenevan.com

via Juxtapoz
I was first introduced to Jim's work by one of my favorite Photographer/film makers, Patrick Trefz. Patricks' beautiful film titled "Thread" has some amazing imagery of Jim at work on a California beach. I later came across these photos on Juxtapoz and wanted to share them with you.
Check out more of his work at www.jimdenevan.com

via Juxtapoz