Back in Brooklyn
Alright so I have been meaning to write these blogs for sometime now but time seems to be the hardest thing to attain these days. I have draft after draft saved but never actually get to finish them.
I have now decided that it has been long enough. Time to clean up the draft folder.

I have moved back to Brooklyn. After my surreal comatose experience of going back to Australia for a few months it was really great to be back. Welcomed with a warm Brooklyn hug as I hit the tarmac, which was quickly over shadowed as we waited an extra 30min to actually get off the tarmac. But still it was great to be back.
My lovely friends Shaun and Shilo welcomed me with open arms and generously offered me their office floor to set up camp on. Unbeknown to all of us that here I was to stay for around a month!
The day after I landed I had an interview with the Bicycle Film Festival and since that day I have been graced with 6 days off. Yes the days are strange and the hours are long but I can truly say that it is my favorite workplace since my stint as a refrigeration mechanic. Something new everyday but without the nasty surprises that people grow in their homes. The festival is based around film, art, music and of course bikes. These encompass most of my favorite things... things dreams are made off. Total win!
For my birthday the wonderful crew at NY BFF surprised me with this beautiful new track bike.
Many adventures to be had on this one. Riding around New York is totally exhilarating. Especially for a small town girl. Obstacles are endless from cars, to potholes, to ladies with prams on cell phones, to delivery guys, to cobblestones etc. Little surprises everywhere to keep you on your toes. It was so amazing to ride over the Williamsburg bridge into Manhattan for the first time and really breathe in the view. The madness almost seemed still.
After winter in NY I was left feeling rather uneasy. The brutality of the cold and "seasonal depression" was a tricky thing to deal with but coming back to the new energy in a extraordinarily lively city was a breath of fresh air. The flowers are out, there are beautiful women in sundresses everywhere and the streets are alive. I'm happy to be back.... even if it does mean paying for tap water....
I have now decided that it has been long enough. Time to clean up the draft folder.
I have moved back to Brooklyn. After my surreal comatose experience of going back to Australia for a few months it was really great to be back. Welcomed with a warm Brooklyn hug as I hit the tarmac, which was quickly over shadowed as we waited an extra 30min to actually get off the tarmac. But still it was great to be back.
My lovely friends Shaun and Shilo welcomed me with open arms and generously offered me their office floor to set up camp on. Unbeknown to all of us that here I was to stay for around a month!
The day after I landed I had an interview with the Bicycle Film Festival and since that day I have been graced with 6 days off. Yes the days are strange and the hours are long but I can truly say that it is my favorite workplace since my stint as a refrigeration mechanic. Something new everyday but without the nasty surprises that people grow in their homes. The festival is based around film, art, music and of course bikes. These encompass most of my favorite things... things dreams are made off. Total win!
For my birthday the wonderful crew at NY BFF surprised me with this beautiful new track bike.
After winter in NY I was left feeling rather uneasy. The brutality of the cold and "seasonal depression" was a tricky thing to deal with but coming back to the new energy in a extraordinarily lively city was a breath of fresh air. The flowers are out, there are beautiful women in sundresses everywhere and the streets are alive. I'm happy to be back.... even if it does mean paying for tap water....