iPhone Application

iHologram - iPhone application from David OReilly on Vimeo.

Ok so I don't have an iPhone. I'm not sure if I will ever get one. I do have a fascination with small gadgets so I think it could be inevitable that I will have one at some point but no plans at the moment. Although they do have a very nifty photo viewing application which could be handy. The Blackberry does lack in the visual media aspect unfortunately but I still hold it dear to my heart.
I found this iPhone application and it blew me away.... its really quite clever and I have no idea how they made it. Plus i find the little character really cute! If anyone has an iPhone out there which isn't playing up in the Southern Hemisphere please download this application and show me. I would love to play with it in real life.

Battle of the Phones

Blackberry / iPhone
0 / 2

To be continued.........


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