Battling the Mountain

My latest weekend trill ride is driving to a mountain, clipping a bike to my feet, peddling to the top and riding down it without killing myself.
So far so Good.
Only a few minor falls... which didn't feel minor but no injuries came out of them. So thats considered very minor to the crazys that do it on one wheel!
Anyways... my friend Kym accompanies me on these awesome adventures. I really couldnt do it without her. She wakes me up in the morning then loads my bike onto the back of her car, throws me in the car, drives to the chosen destination, wakes me up and its time to ride. So its all thanks to Kym actually!

We try to do it most weekends, hungover or not, and without a doubt it can easily be the highlight of my weekend!
We are on a mission to look as good as the other riders that we see along the tracks. So we have clipped in and soon to purchase Lycra jerseys! hahaha. Im very excited to get the bike pants with padding in the crouch. Not a good look but its all about the comfort peoples!

Here are some photos from our outings and a little video for what we one day strive to be like.
Watch this space!